Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Walking on water

The day after Easter I woke to one of those dawns that has to speak for itself.
It started slowly.
I was longing for coffee and room service hadn’t opened yet.  I thought the dawn was over.  So with nothing else to do, I kept watching without expectation.  The sky pinked.
Entranced, I kept watching. Beams of light shot out from behind the clouds.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, the light triangulated.  I looked around.  Was I the only one watching this?  I began to get overwhelmed.  Was God putting on a light show for me alone?  Come to me, God promises, and I will show you great and wonderful things you do not know.
The sun kept moving in the sky, and the lightbrush moved with it.
I stopped texting phone photos to girlfriend and kept my real camera fixed on the light.  It was changing by the second now, and if I’d taken my eyes off it I might have missed something.  I drew closer.
 And then closer.
The sunlight was walking on the water.
The heavens were telling the glory of God.
Who am I that thou art mindful of me?

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